Monday, February 16, 2009

Recommended Social Bookmarking Site

Today, I want to introduce you to the world of social bookmarking. Honestly, I did not know what social bookmarking was until last week when my professor introduced it to me. So, what is social bookmarking? It is a way of storing and organizing web sites that you like and share them with others or keep them for your future reference. Also, you can highlight contents in a web site and leave notes to yourself or share them. There are many social bookmarking web sites but I want to recommend Diigo to you.
When I first looked through social bookmarking sites, I questioned myself what is the difference between bookmarks that I use on my internet browsers and social bookmarking sites. Do you know? Bookmarks on my internet browsers only save web site addresses for future references;however, Diigo not only saves web site addresses, but I can also add tags to those web sites and group them together. So, I can say that Diigo is the advanced version of Windows Favorites and Firefox Bookmarks.
Then why should someone use Diigo? Let me tell you why I use it: I am an old-fashioned person who prefers papers than computers. Then, Diigo completely got rid of the reason I preferred to read newspapers than online version. At Diigo, I can read whatever I want to read (save ink and the environment) and while I read, I can highlight the important ones without that yellow highlighter. Also, if I want to take some notes while I read, I can put sticky notes to where I highlighted. Yes, I don't have to buy that pricey Post-it! You can keep the notes to yourself or share them with others. And don't forget to look through your friends' notes. Isn't it so convenient?
I have to say Diigo is the grown-up version of MySpace. At Diigo, you can meet new people and join groups that you like. How? You can search people or groups who have same bookmarks or tags with you. Not only that, Diigo will match you up with people who have similar interests. Why bother to visit when you have Diigo? From there, you can discuss about an article or share your bookmarks and tags.
Why not start your own group? My class started our own group at Diigo and it has been really great. We created a private group, so no one else could look through what we have. We share our blogs and leave comments to each other. Whenever our professor shares an article, we all read, highlight, and leave sticky notes to it. Then, we can read what everyone has to say and honestly, we learn from it. If you are teaching a class or taking a class, I highly recommend using Diigo because this site will help students develop their own ideas by sharing with others.
At Diigo, tags and bookmarks are very important because that is how people will find you and be your friends. I had four tags total (Money, Economy, Personal Finance, Economic Crisis) and decided to use these tags to meet new people. Wow, I found 5,597 people with the money tag. From there, I looked into this guy's profile. Guess what I found? I found many great bookmarks that I really love to read! I went ahead and saved those bookmarks on my page. Isn't Diigo so cool? So, don't be shy and try Diigo for yourself!!!

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