His name is Taisuke Yanase and he lives in Tokyo, Japan. Since he is a Japanese, he has some bookmarks in Japanese. I try to read them with my basic Japanese, but you know I just can't. I am glad that half of his bookmarks are in English so I can read them. For some reason, all of his tags are in English; maybe Diigo does not allow tags in Japanese.
Not surprisingly, He has similar bookmarking topics with me. His number bookmarking topic is business and he has impressive 1,722 bookmarks. I wish I could do that. After business, he has some topics related to auto. I am not a big fan of auto, but I know I look through them once in a while (Honestly, I looked through an auto article before I write this blog). After auto related topics, he has finance, tips, and finally, money as his topics. So, I guess people who are into business world like me care about money-related issues a lot.
Since I am new to Diigo, I want to learn how others organize their bookmarks and tags. I am looking at Taisuke's bookmark now, and I am not impressed. He does not highlight or leave sticky notes on his bookmarks. Maybe he does not know how to use those. But I am very impressed with the number of bookmarks he has. Guess how many he has? 6,119!!! Unbelievable. I wish I can do that. His bookmarks are from various sources from Japanese blogs to Forbes and I am surprised that there are that many web sites where I can get money-related articles. Even though he has no highlights or sticky notes, he makes that up in his variety of bookmarks.
Unlike his bookmark, his tags are impressive. He has hundreds of tags and almost hundred of them have at least 100 or more bookmarks. I look into his tags and find out that his tags are very well organized. In each bookmark, he adds at least five tags, and he is probably doing that to sort bookmarks easily. He knows that if he adds only two tags per bookmark, he will have hard time finding the right articles for certain topics. For example, if he puts all articles related to economy under just one tag and he now wants articles about the Japanese economy. Guess what? He probably needs to go through all 391 bookmarks to find what he wants. So, I better start putting as many tags as possible.
I was right: his bookmarks are filled with resources. I just found two great bookmarks that I would like to keep for myself and readers. Those bookmarks are America's Best Long-Term Real Estate Bets - Forbes.com & How property bubbles help us | The beauty of bubbles | The Economist. Those bookmarks will help me and you to better understand the real estate market and the economy in general. Not only that, those bookmarks will expand our reading lists so we can have more opinions. Added bonus: he has a bookmark that describes why I recommend Diigo. Check this out: 7 Reasons Diigo Tastes Better Than Delicious | MakeUseOf.com